2/17/25 4:46 PM

OH MY GOD!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! THE UPD8 JUST DROPPED! Awesomely, it is available to watch in browser! :3 To my knowledge it was originally done in Flash (so we still have high quality asset rips!) but it was implemented into the webpage as a video because there were issues with Ruffle. Which is too bad, but pretty decent for a first flash! Anyways, this flash was a LOT. I have tons of fanart to come, probably, and theories and analysis... For now, I want to divide this liveblog into two sections. One section to talk about the flash as a whole, and another to talk about what I liked.

The Flash

OMG! Okay, so firstly... It's REALLY COOL that we got a flash. I think the pacing felt rough, but the art quality was extremely good (cough cough sollux cough cough) and it felt very creative and fresh! The pacing was the biggest issue, and this is something that I think Homestuck also struggled with. I'm not surprised here. I think the human and troll soldier (as cute as they were!!) confused a lot of things. It was really fun to see their little story on the battlefield, though! Overall in terms of quality it was really fun, and I'm hopeful that the team will continue trying more flashes in the future! The hiatus was definitely unfortunate, and I hope that the team's increased merchandising work (two plushes instead of just one!) could help them fund more upd8s generally.

Moments I liked

I think the coolest part of this flash was how creative it got with the aspect powers. Like, Jake Hoping Jade into a neutral death to cause her ressurection was AWESOME. I thought that it was also really cool seeing Jade GROW the heads of the soldiers to break their neck. That's a really creative use of the space powers, and I like that the team is getting creative! I'm curious about how Tavvy was able to... Kick away the missile? I've seen a lot of people classpect him as rage, which is a classpect that I am less experienced with. I'm curious- Any classpecting queens out there have an idea about if this indicates anything? Asides from that, I really loved the reveal of Helltier!Vriska. I have been hyped for her for months, guys! I'm not sure if she's gone Ultimate, or just powered up, but regardless, she looks cool as hell (pun intended) and I can't wait to see more of her design! This definitely won't be my last blog about this update, but it's all for now! Have a good day, everybuddy!

2/15/25 6:00 PM


2/3/25 10:05 AM

Yo everybuddy! Anyone else catch the news upd8? It's pretty exciting 2 get news (regardless of if we got an upd8 or not...)It feels like the fandom's been getting a LITTLE kooky during the deltapause (my proposed term 4 our current pause, because we know Deltritus is about 2 go through a timeskip. Maybe it'll be abetter name 4 a future pause...) and this news upd8 was a nice combat 2 how stir crazy it feels like everything is! I actually think this news post was really funny- I was sledding and skating with a friend (anybuddy remember my pal who cosplayed Jade?) and I joked that it would be So Funny if we got home and found out that the [S] page had released. Well, it wasn't the flash- but it was a new addition 2 the site!

The newpost itself was pretty cool. I liked the nod 2 random web traffic stumbling across it... Also, Karkats being a social species is pretty funny. I wonder what the next plushes will be? I'm hopeful that it'll be Caliborn and Callie (cherub fans RISE UP!) but I'm guessing it'll be like... Vriska and Dave, or Nepeta or something. Moving on, the mention of streams or AMAs seems very exciting. Also, the photo teaser at the end... We can no longer see any snippets of a sprite behind the bomb, but the teaser bar has increased 2 88%. I'm not sure if this is because the flash is actually 88% complete, or because they just wanted 2 do the silly 8 theming. I've seen a couple screenshots of the flash floating around (patreon previews I think?) but I don't really wanna see them anymore... I wanna be surprised when it drops!

1/31/25 9:40 AM

Ughhh!!! Okay, technically this isn't a liveblog... I just CAN'T WAIT 4 THE NEXT UPD8!!! Like augh!!! I'm so excited 4 the EOA1 flash that I could... I could.... Well, erm, I guess type this blog. Anyways, my theories... I think that once Vriska completes Helltier, she's going 2 emerge on Deltritus. Maybe she'll be an exile? I also am looking forward 2 seeing GC. I would LOVE it if Act 2 opened with us starting gameplay with GC... Maybe with commands... Beyond Canon... please.... That's all. I can't wait 4 the next upd8!

Liveblogs written prior 2 1/15/25 are ported over from my old blog. Quirks will be obnoxious. I'm sorry :(

11/12/24 11:43 AM

Heyyyy everybuddy!Whoa, wowzers! Anybuddy else catch the Beyond Canon upd8 last night? Yow! Not only did Jade recieve a nice dose of lobotomy sleepytime, Rose looked badass, we got Harry and Vrissy interactions, oh my! I actually loved Tavvy's notes, can't w8 2 see wut hes doing w/ Yiiffy... The fakeout wuz fun 2! Has any1 checked if the color code is the same as Dirk's text colour? Hmm... It certainly got me hyped 4 the big flash, and I can't write all of this without mentioning THAT WE GOT OUR FIRST LOOK AT THE DELTRITUS SPECIES!!!! Specifically Rose's because one line mentions somehing mollusks have, iirc? Also according 2 my Bro's friend, the skintone is tinted purple sooo... Of course, me being Insane over this, I drew some fan predictions 4 gavageCunctuation's design!

(Open in new tab 4 better quality)

So, yeah! I kind of just... wanted 2 go squiddy, okay? a while back i saw homestuck art of a bunch of godtiered squiddles, not necessarily horrorterrors but they were styled like anthro squid ppl and I loved it. i think it wuz either fanart or a thumbnail? Unsure. Either way I took inspo from that. I also gave GC a cone shell, because I still associate Rose with those cone princess and wizard hats, and I thought it would fit her species. GC has their clawy arms. For their shirt, I imagine the best progression from white shirt to black shirt is to a solidly coloured shirt, but I also suspect it could just be black or white. I suspect Dirk's will have white shirts, and I think either white skin or colorful skintones like equestria girls. He is a brony... I wasn't sure about the shirt sign, because presumably GC will have a symbol of some sort on their shirt but I have no clue what the Deltritus shirt theme will be. I am so excited 2 c Dirk's species 2, and I hope we get little teasers during the big flash... Also, it's so kewl that Vrissy and gavageCunctuation interact! I have 2 go now but I will TOTES write a post exploring their chatting because WOW do we have material! We'll probably be on hiatus till 2025 :( so it's gud 2 have stuff 2 discuss 4 a while!

I drew fanart 4 the new upd8! I've drawn Helltier!Vriska a couple other times, but I decided 2 post this one! She's so cool guys!!! Please talk 2 me about Beyond Canon!!!

Hi everybuddy! I started working on this piece after I saw this post. I'm a big fan of this persons work, and when else do you see bowdrill mentioned out in the wild? X3 You know what I mean... Not the wild world, but the wilds of the web! I started doodling Vrissy starting a fire, and then I got carried away using it 2 practice my rendering... Anyways, bowdrill (and friction fire as a whole) is a really AWESOME skill! I've been learning bowdrill since I was a kid, but I've never really gotten 2 into it... Last summer I got my first few coals working on a two-person kit! I think it was really cool. Bowdrill works by moving the bow back and fourth quickly. Its string wraps around the spindle, which spins 2 generate friction (and eventually a coal!). There are other methods of friction fire and I'd recommend looking up what's best in your climate before you try it at home... Have a gr8 time if you do decide 2 try it!

Did some doodles/practices 4 fun. As you can tell, I like drawing Rosebot hehehehe.... Based off of this Trickster Roxy headcanon, because it lives in my head rent free. The proportions are a little fucked up, but that's okay. The tricksters can be triple jointed if they want. :3

Rosebot homework sketch

I like 2 draw Rosebot a lot. I'm pretty proud of the shading here! Yeah... It is on homework.... X3 heh! Speaking of which, I gotta stop slacking off, dude!

Roserezi I guess??

Not sure what 2 title this with, haha. It was just a quick sketch I mostly did 4 fun!

gavageCunctation Fanmade Design

Hello all! I am OBSESSED w/ gavageCunctation! I originally designed them as the purple shirt, and the other 2 designs are mostly just 4 fun. I based their shirt signs off wingdings. As of 1/14/25, I unfortunately know my design is outdated... at least if we're correct that the 8ball bomb teaser is hiding GC behind it. Funnily enough, my first version of their design had a very deliberate note left on it- "vans". So haha, I feel proud of catching that from just their vibes! Regardless of how accurate these designs are, I like them.

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